Weather Underground

Weather Underground free 1 year premium licence.

Weather Underground ( is a commercial weather service which is committed to delivering the most reliable, accurate weather information possible via the Internet. Weather Underground provides real-time online weather information for most major cities across the world, as well as local weather reports for newspapers and Web sites. This site gives you far more information than you could ever actually need, by allowing you to choose from a number of different weather layers that are plotted on top of a dynamic map interface. With more than 24,000 users contributing local observations from personal weather stations, Weather Underground is able to provide up-to-the-minute weather conditions for the most finely targeted areas.

How to get Weather Underground free 1 year premium licence?
  1. Register new account, make sure the Upgrade Your Membership for $10 box is checked. Existing users may skip these account registration steps.
  2. Check your email and activate your wunderground membership.
  3. Enter gift code QWV35, NEH55 or FMUYZ and click on Redeem button. Existing members can upgrade their accounts from this link using the same code.

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